There are certain factors that could have an impact on the cost of your car insurance, for example the number of years no claims bonus you have, the size and value of your car, the average mileage a year that you drive and the extra security features your car has been installed with. Someone who drives a smaller car, with a smaller engine and who has a low average annual mileage will get a better car insurance deal than someone who has got a big car and has got a high annual mileage.
If you have a car that is equipped with enhanced security features recommended by insurance dealers like a car alarm, tracker or immobiliser you will get cheaper car insurance simply because your car will be safer and less likely to stolen when parked and left unattended, in the same way by parking your car overnight in a garage or on a driveway this will also help to reduce the cost of your car insurance.
Every year when the renewal for your car insurance is due do not just renew your car insurance before you talk to a car insurance broker. They will ensure that you get the best car insurance deal again this year. Never take it for granted that the insurance deal you got last year will still be the cheapest this year. Read More
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